Thursday July 24th.
I started the day 0700: attending the First Timers meeting. Anyone new to the convention can attend and get guidance on how things work, what to do, where to go….
I had a good time talking to Ceil Eastman (Salem Ma), Carolyn Peck (Lexington SC) and Karen Dickert (Batesburg-Leesville SC). These first timers are by no means inexperienced with miniatures, just the National convention. Being inexperienced hasn't stopped Carolyn, she is the co-chair for the next houseparty in Greenville. She and her group are motivated and involved in making events occur in their regions. Some belong to the South Carolina Society of Miniature Collectors that has been in existence since 1979, and
also the Palmetto Miniature Club.
This is one of the reasons I love going to the conventions and houseparties. You meet these excited and inspiring people who love to do the very thing you do. IT IS FANTASTIC. Talk about getting your batteries charged….That was just the first meeting of many… I went to meetings with the Regional Co-coordinators and State reps, with Club presidents where again wonderful information was exchanged on what was occurring in their regions and how others could adapt it to theirs.
We had our opening Luncheon, besides the food, there were door prizes and souvenirs handed out, followed by the Salesroom and Exhibit room-
There is so much to see and so much you want to buy. The talent and skills we have in our organization is amazing.
The long day continued into Round Table sales and workshops. Where people who submitted a project could sell the kit for $5.00 or less and then be available to teach anyone who wants to sit down and work.
The day ended with the miniature exchange. There were exchanges in three scales, 1”, ½” and ¼”.
It was well after 10pm before I saw my hotel room- and it felt like I had celebrated 3 birthdays and 4 Christmases all in one day!!! And this was the first official day of the convention, everything else was pre-convention activities.

Friday July 25th.
The day starts at 0730, with a Registered Workshop with Karen Benson. The class was “Faux” ¼” scale Wrought Iron Bakers Rack and matching pieces. If you haven’t taken one of her classes do it. Her kits are precise, her instructions are easy to follow and the atmosphere in the room is relaxed and pleasant.
The sales and exhibit rooms opened again for 3 hours, after show and tell the night before there was a renewed surge to get in and find those special items.
All this was followed by more meetings; I went to the Online Region meeting.
Having access to my fellow members thru the internet is priceless- we are able to share ideas, techniques and trouble shoot problems with the press of a button. As much as I love the internet- it was a pleasure to meet so many of the members in person. Shannon Moore and Pat Frost have been a great web mistress and RC respectively.
You think the day is done, think again.
There was the Garage Sale. All of these items are donated with the proceeds going to NAME. People line up (I mean really long line) to go in pick up what they want and pay for it.
In the past I have heard about some pretty exciting Garage Sales. The frenzy that can build up sometimes is electric. Being I have never gone to one, I snuck in stood on a chair against the wall and watched the whole thing.
Naturally I attend the Garage Sale where people are polite, calm and to quote a member “it looked like a hill of ants” people quietly and efficiently moving around in what looked like pre-arranged paths. And yet these many
tables that were overfilled were quickly emptied out spreading new treasures to many new homes.
What you think the day is now over; it’s time for Lifetime Members Reception and the NAME Auction. I was pretty worn out by then and ready to sit back and watch the bidding. But I was needed to help point out the bidders, so for the next 2 or so hours I was having a blast- pointing, laughing, encouraging and applauding all of the action.
We are a talented and generous bunch of people who truly love to share the good things in life.
Now it is time to bed….. Up to the room after 1030pm or later….
I started the day 0700: attending the First Timers meeting. Anyone new to the convention can attend and get guidance on how things work, what to do, where to go….
I had a good time talking to Ceil Eastman (Salem Ma), Carolyn Peck (Lexington SC) and Karen Dickert (Batesburg-Leesville SC). These first timers are by no means inexperienced with miniatures, just the National convention. Being inexperienced hasn't stopped Carolyn, she is the co-chair for the next houseparty in Greenville. She and her group are motivated and involved in making events occur in their regions. Some belong to the South Carolina Society of Miniature Collectors that has been in existence since 1979, and
This is one of the reasons I love going to the conventions and houseparties. You meet these excited and inspiring people who love to do the very thing you do. IT IS FANTASTIC. Talk about getting your batteries charged….That was just the first meeting of many… I went to meetings with the Regional Co-coordinators and State reps, with Club presidents where again wonderful information was exchanged on what was occurring in their regions and how others could adapt it to theirs.
We had our opening Luncheon, besides the food, there were door prizes and souvenirs handed out, followed by the Salesroom and Exhibit room-
There is so much to see and so much you want to buy. The talent and skills we have in our organization is amazing.
The long day continued into Round Table sales and workshops. Where people who submitted a project could sell the kit for $5.00 or less and then be available to teach anyone who wants to sit down and work.
The day ended with the miniature exchange. There were exchanges in three scales, 1”, ½” and ¼”.
It was well after 10pm before I saw my hotel room- and it felt like I had celebrated 3 birthdays and 4 Christmases all in one day!!! And this was the first official day of the convention, everything else was pre-convention activities.
Friday July 25th.
The day starts at 0730, with a Registered Workshop with Karen Benson. The class was “Faux” ¼” scale Wrought Iron Bakers Rack and matching pieces. If you haven’t taken one of her classes do it. Her kits are precise, her instructions are easy to follow and the atmosphere in the room is relaxed and pleasant.
The sales and exhibit rooms opened again for 3 hours, after show and tell the night before there was a renewed surge to get in and find those special items.
All this was followed by more meetings; I went to the Online Region meeting.
Having access to my fellow members thru the internet is priceless- we are able to share ideas, techniques and trouble shoot problems with the press of a button. As much as I love the internet- it was a pleasure to meet so many of the members in person. Shannon Moore and Pat Frost have been a great web mistress and RC respectively.
You think the day is done, think again.
In the past I have heard about some pretty exciting Garage Sales. The frenzy that can build up sometimes is electric. Being I have never gone to one, I snuck in stood on a chair against the wall and watched the whole thing.
Naturally I attend the Garage Sale where people are polite, calm and to quote a member “it looked like a hill of ants” people quietly and efficiently moving around in what looked like pre-arranged paths. And yet these many
What you think the day is now over; it’s time for Lifetime Members Reception and the NAME Auction. I was pretty worn out by then and ready to sit back and watch the bidding. But I was needed to help point out the bidders, so for the next 2 or so hours I was having a blast- pointing, laughing, encouraging and applauding all of the action.
We are a talented and generous bunch of people who truly love to share the good things in life.
Now it is time to bed….. Up to the room after 1030pm or later….
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