them hydrated and covered in sunscreen. And the police and the fire department participates with their lights flashing and sirens blaring, and of course there are dogs decorated- in Red, White and Blue.
Just as the parade has grown bigger each year, my love and passion for miniatures, for NAME, and for all of the wonderful people involved has grown stronger and bigger.
I combined my love for my country and the love for my miniatures, and had my own “mini” exhibit.

I took just a few of my patriotic vignettes and houses, sat them on a TV tray on the sidewalk with a cheesy sign and had my very own Miniature Patriotic Exhibit. As the parade went by, many of the kids looked (briefly- because they are the parade) and showed much interest- as did many adults.
I realized that I had successfully completed the challenge or the monthly NAME Special event for July, which is:
Plant a Seed.
( http://www.miniatures.org/special_ev.shtml )

“Okay, I don’t mean a plant seed. I mean an idea, a new interest. Invite a friend to do a small mini project with you or take a friend to a show or workshop. It can be a mini friend or a non-mini friend. Did you or your friend develop a new or renewed interest in minis? Tell us what you did and about your experience.”
I didn’t get anyone to join NAME, what I did get to do is plant the seed of miniatures and our organization to a large crowd of very diverse people (even the firemen). Now I need to nuture and water my seeds and help them grow.
Happy Birthday America, and Happy Miniatures to NAME.
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