Friday, May 9, 2008

Portland "Rain, Wine and Roses" Houseparty: Sunday

Portland "Rain, Wine and Roses" Houseparty: Sunday

The houseparty’s last day, dawned sunny and blue.

The day started with our closing breakfast.

We received a souvenir at each meal. They were a Wine Buffet kit, a tiffany lamp and a bowl. Our souvenir book didn’t make it out of the printers- so when I get precise information on who made it and pictures, I will be posting them.

The centerpieces designed by Larry Hecox were posed and ready to be given to the winning seat number. Larry had a very unique and original way of pulling the winning number.
Every table had a sealed bag, inside was a miniature wine bottle with real wine (Lynn Jensen) and a small piece of tape with the winning number on the bottom. The bag was opened and the number read at each table.
There were three types of centerpieces- one for Rain, one for Wine and one for Roses. When I receive pictures of the centerpieces I will be posting them. (ended up I was so busy I took 3 pictures at the setup of registration and no others-so I will be getting some from others.) They were beautifully designed and well made, Larry had the opportunity to design them with his mother (before she passed).
The sales room and exhibit room was open to the members as well as the public.
At 3pm- the houseparty was over.

I enjoyed being with my mini family and look forward to the next houseparty to be with many of you again.

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