Saturday, April 12, 2008

Altered Quarter Scale 3 Sided House

I am a small scale contributor for NAME (National Association for Miniature Enthusists) Members magazine "The Gazette", this is my 4th project in a series.

This project takes a basic shape, blending quarter scale miniatures with the freedom of expression of the art blended in. The complete project (basic construction) and instructions will be in the Summer Gazette. So every NAME member has a chance to take this basic shape and make it their own.

You do not have to decorate the interior with "traditional scale" miniatures, the house size could be the miniature focus, while using any item in the interior that would represent "home" to you. It could be a picture of a family member to a childhood tooth (the toothfairy left behind). This house can represent your reality, or you can take it to the place you always wanted "home" to be...

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