Strange for an Altered Miniaturists who specializes in ¼” to 1” scale would hook up with a 2 ½ foot high by 7” wide piece of inspiration.
Nevertheless- the connection was made and I was placed in a cart with other items of delight and pleasure.
A yellow metal cone used in another dimension to hold a votive candle was given to me as a possible hat- or a purse….we will see if it with me in my final “mixed media morphus”.

Fish- Fish shape- I am not a mermaid, I am not a fish, I am not human…I am all of that and so much more.
I am waiting for my name to find me- a name that will celebrate my soul, announce my independence, and add color to my identity.
My shape is growing; stretching and morphing… first inclination was my frame as a body- no perhaps as an exo-skeleton, a piece of clothing that shields my reality, my tender form from piercing gazes.
A body of a fish made from foamcore perhaps- that is held within the metal bars to protect me- with a jointed tail that extends beyond the frame, free to twitch and dance on a summer evening.

Or would I like my body to be articulated as well???- In a fish bone shape??- interlocked by my thoughts, my desires and my intentions.
I see my exo-skeleton covered with color and words that guide, that are wise, words that make you question and look for all possible answers.

A mouth- an orifice, a doorway for entry and exit- a symbol of constant change, I want a voice- not a soft voice, but a powerful articulate one that will make profound statements or a joke….
A nose- will I be able to smell??? Will I smell?? If I do I would want to be a smell that stimulates a wonderful moment from one’s past- a smell that promises potential, a smell that urges you to follow and move forward without ever forgetting where you have come from.
Will I have arms??- With hands of a human… or a hand that is webbed and interlocked with life. I would have beautiful nails and jewelry- lots of

I am like an embryo- forming and growing- I can choose what to become, what to keep, what to discard… I am enjoying my journey of growth- my only limits are the one’s I impose on myself.
Who am I? What am I? The excitement grows……